I was just suddenly inspired to post the following and, therefore, I will endeavor to make it brief.
It astounds me on a daily basis to hear most people make the same English linguistic mistakes, both written and spoken. While I am over-the-moon for colloquial expressions and totally cool with slang, I do not appreciate the intellectual degradation of the American general population. Over the course of time, each generation appears less educated in so many regards, not the least of which being their comprehension of proper, formal English.
One fine example of a lack of English comprehension is the misuse of certain words and phrases; such as affect in the place of effect or vice versa, lie in the place of lay or vice versa, and "for all intensive purposes" rather than "for all intents and purposes." The misused word that has most recently driven me nuts is hopefully. I hope that the misuse of hopefully will diminish in magnitude.
The main reason this one makes me so bleepin' mad, is that through sheer repetition of exterior influence, that is, me hearing it over and over in its common and incorrect usage, has caused me to continuously make the same mistake. Even though I damn well know better, I constantly find myself making this mistake orally. I worry that these brain farts may bleed into my writing. I HOPE not.
Well, waddayagunnado?
P.J. Wordsmith