Monday, October 31, 2011

Muslim students pissed off at crosses at Catholic 'Private' University

This is a video of a man telling us how he feels about Muslim students getting mad over crosses in a Catholic school. It's ok for Muslims and all other religions to go to a Catholic school. If it has a good reputation or good academics, and it's a good fit for you, then go there and learn. If you're going to go there though, don't complain about some things that a CATHOLIC school does. At every private Catholic school, there is going to be a cross in every room, there is going to be a prayer before classes, and chances are there are going to be nuns walking the halls. If you have a problem with that then maybe a Catholic school isn't where you should be. I think it's wrong for the Muslims to complain about something like this, especially since they're the ones that wanted to go there. If you want to walk into a classroom and not see a cross, then go to a public university.

Felicia G.
(the video wouldn't show up so I just posted the link)


  1. Felicia -- you know my son goes to Catholic University, right? He reports that the majority of the Muslim students at Catholic are not distressed by the crosses, but then again, he only can report about the Muslim kids he is friends with . . . .

    -- Liz Holmes

  2. I agree with Felicia if this people do not like to see crosses they shouldn't be in that school. I come from a denomination of Christianity that does Not see crosses as a religious symbol. We do not have crosses in our chapels or use them in any way. Nor do we have images in our chapels like some other, but I still respect the fact that other religions or denominations of Christianity use crosses and images as symbols to their believes. Many people become fanatics of their religions and forget that not everyone believes the same things they believe. They loose the respect to others believes.


  3. I agree with Felicia. If this people do not know how to respect others believes then they should not go to a Catholic school. I come from a denomination of Christianity that does not use crosses as religious symbols. We do not have crosses in our chapels or hang images like other denominations of Christianity or other religions do. However, I still respect the fact that to other religions symbols like crosses or images have meanings to them. However, there are people like that person that become fanatics of their religions, and by that, they lose the respect to what others believes.

