Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Is there satanic symbolism in music?

If you search YouTube for Illuminati and its relation to the music industry, you will find a treasure chest of information. Does the Illuminati really exist? Do they have a hand in the music industry and converting famous people into devil worship? What you see in these videos are scary and shocking. It will have you wondering. I personally think that a lot of individuals read to much into the whole thing, but watching videos like the one above makes me rethink it just a bit. What do you think?


  1. This post is by Tanya K. ENG 112

  2. I personally believe it may be too looked into. The whole idea of the Illuminati and their relation to the music and even movie industry is a bit blown up into something that sounds more like a myth than actual reality. Certain artists attempt to make video with such videos to simply gain attention as well.

    - Alexander V. ENG 112

  3. I believe the Illuminati is real. Music had gone through very dramatic changes during the late 1900's. In Hip-Hop especially, there has been a gradual decrease in the skill and positive effects of the content of musicians, going from intricately constructed motivational lyrics to repetitive self-destructive nonsense promoting materialism, objectification and disrespectful behavior. There have been rumors of undercover associations conducting experiments to control the minds of the masses through music. Psychological research and common sense proves that repetitive simplistic lyrics are easier to memorize subconsciously. That couple with the steady deterioration of nearly all of the positive aspects of the culture, Hip-Hop and other forms of music have become nothing more than sales pitches in the business we call America. It may or may not be called the Illuminati, but there is some sort of organization controlling the Satanism we can see in most of our media.

  4. I believe the Illuminati is real. Music had gone through very dramatic changes during the late 1900's. In Hip-Hop especially, there has been a gradual decrease in the skill and positive effects of the content of musicians, going from intricately constructed motivational lyrics to repetitive self-destructive nonsense promoting materialism, objectification and disrespectful behavior. There have been rumors of undercover associations conducting experiments to control the minds of the masses through music. Psychological research and common sense proves that repetitive simplistic lyrics are easier to memorize subconsciously. That couple with the steady deterioration of nearly all of the positive aspects of the culture, Hip-Hop and other forms of music have become nothing more than sales pitches in the business we call America. It may or may not be called the Illuminati, but there is some sort of organization controlling the Satanism we can see in most of our media.

    Jabril Shareef
    ENG 112-009A
