Many have argued whether whose philosophy was superior. Steve Jobs believed in offering one piece of hardware and software, while Bill Gates believed that software coupled different hardware for each specific person was a better route. At first, Mr. Gates and Microsoft boomed and became the most powerful software company in the world. As of late, Apple has caught up and even surpassed Microsoft in sales. So this begs the question, who was right? First off, I would like to say that I am not a fanboy of one or the either, but I side with Steve Jobs. Mac computers are as beautiful on the outside as they are on in the inside. The operating system is more intuitive and "just works." Virus' aren't much of a problem as they are on a Microsoft computer and their resale value far exceeds its counterpart.
Who do you think was right?
Eng 112 Sec 009A
I am a PC man. I will leave open source OS's (i.e. LINUX) out of the equation for simplicity. I prefer Windows to iOS. In addition, I prefer Android over iOS and Windows. My aforementioned preferences aside, I believe that both basic marketing techniques have their merits. At face value, a rudimentary understanding of capitalist economics would seem to reveal Microsoft's way as the better one. It's certainly more complicated, but there would seem to be more money to be made. Microsoft Corporation is currently worth roughly 230-Billion dollars. Apple had a seven-to-one stock split just last year with their total net worth exceeding 700-Billion dollars. Yet Steve Jobs was worth roughly 11 Billion dollars when he died, while Gates' current Net Worth is currently over 81-Billion Dollars. No, that's not a typo. So, Apple is worth about three times as much as Microsoft, but Gates is worth close to eight times as much as Jobs was three years ago at his passing. Gun-to-my-head, to answer your conclusion-question, I say that Gates was right but neither was wrong... If that makes any sense. XD
ReplyDelete-- P.J. Wordsmith
I try to be updated with new gadgets and love to explore the new features of each type. In a situation when somebody asks such a question " which one is better? MAC or windows?", I would say MAC. I have tried both kinds of devices, and it is not very hard for anybody to distinguish between performance and speed of the two over time.If anyone who has used an I phone for a year decides to move to an android or a windows phone, not surprisingly would say that the experience of using android or windows was not as pleasant as the I phone. This is one big truth, that Apple products are able perform smoothly through longer periods of time compared to other devices. For a user who does not understands much about all those complex mechanisms that each of these big names use is a big difference. Moreover, Apple products are harder to get infected due to the type of OS they use, so needs less care to be taken against software corruptions.
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DeleteMohtashim, R
English 112
section : 307A
I understand what you're saying, though I love my android and windows and haven't had any virus issues. But, I would point out that the original question that this post addressed was economic. To wit, sales, stock value etc -- Gates v. Jobs. And, statistically it would have to be Apple beating Microsoft but Gates beating Jobs (evaluating only with economic criteria).
Delete-- P.J. Wordsmith